Check this months icon below
to see whether the green is free

Or if there is a League Fixture scheduled.

and give us a

New members and returning members (including last season's members) are always welcome at

Skelmanthorpe Windmill Bowling Club.

For new members, it doesn't matter whether you are a member at a different club and have played the game for years, whether you are new to the game, or if you just wish to join the club to have a casual game now and again, we would like to hear from you.

Last updated 22 July, 2024

To contact the editor,

scripts provided by:-

ynamic Drive


Subscriptions for 2024 for the Windmill Bowling club are:-

Full member £35: which allows full use of the green and club facilities plus represent the club in league matches/competitions.

Junior member £10: as above but only until attains the age of 18

Social member £10: which allows the full use of the club & green facilities, may play in club local competitions but NOT play in any league games

Our sincere thanks to our sponsor:- S.S.A.S. &

No good without these!

Our bowling club is located at the back of

Early 20th century
2 Busker Lane,
West Yorkshire,